Our goal is to have a comprehensive directory of all types of businesses and services within this five town radius. We want to include everyone from the one person handyman or photography service to the full scale dine in and delivery restaurant.
So often we drive along highway 85 and barely glance at or register the multitude of companies and resources that are right here close to home. Often we think a trip to Walmart or Home Depot in Greeley or Fort Collins is in order. However, our time, gas, and money could so easily be spent to support our own neighbors, friends, and acquaintances. From clothing to plumbing, we really do have the services we need right here.
With an already dramatic increase in the costs of living this year, we hope to help put those dollars spent into our local communities and bring awareness that those services are available. We believe that small communities supporting each other is what makes rural life the best and that we can and should do our best to support our local small, medium, and even large businesses in lieu of that trip to the surrounding larger cities.